OTM's Gorgeous Granddaughter Cate with Nana & a New Friend for Easter

On the Menu with Winemakers of the Tenuta Setteponti Group at Loretta Lalli's Il Pino Agriturismo near S. Giovanni Valdarno, Toscana

Chef Gianfranco Vissani and his Son & Manager Lucca next to Ann, with the Service Team after a Fabulous Lunch at the Stylish restaurant Vissani near Orvieto. Truly one of Italy's Best Dining Destinations!!
Tasting Wines and Oysters with Jon Rowley at Taylor Shellfish in Seattle's Melrose Market
Ann makes a New Friend at the Steiff Shop in Berlin
Adam, Phillip, Catherine & Jennifer Haigh in Sunny S Carolina, Thanksgiving 2012
Xmas Eve Lunch at Jamie Oliver's Fifteen Cornwall; Pollock & Caponata for Ann - Braised Pork & Polenta for Peter; Absolutely Delicious! www.fifteencornwall.co.uk.

Ann Does Eat Dessert - Super-Creative Corn Sundae at London's Coya is so Tempting & Delicious!!

London's St. Ermins's Hotel keeps 200,000 Bees, Serves their Honey. The Bees roam St. James' Park & Buckingham Palace. Very Special!
"The World's Most Beautiful Salad" pictured at Ireland's Ballymaloe Cookery School. It Tasted a Good as it Looked. Congratulations to Darina Allen's Cookery Class and Her Husband whose Farm produced the ingredients.